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Material y bibliografía

Materiales necesarios para trabajar en el curso:

  • Aspirador entomológico (si no consiguen pueden armarlo; ver aquí).

  • 1 lupa de campo de 20X o 40X (fundamental este elemento) del estilo de mostrada aquí.

  • Libreta de campo.

  • Cebos a utilizar: 500 ml de solución azucarada al 25%, 150 gr pasta de maní casera (ver receta aquí) y 1 lata de paté (picadillo de carne). 

  • 30 tubos plásticos (para golosinas) de 15cm de largo para colectar ejemplares. 

  • Cinta de papel o etiquetas adhesivas.

  • Marcador indeleble de punta lo más fina posible o lápiz

  • 2 Pinzas de punta muy fina. Idealmente rubris 5 o las utilizadas en electrónica

  • 1 Pinza pluma o pincel.

  • Alcohol 96% 1 litro y caja de petri o similar

  • Servilletas de papel cocina

  • Repelente y protector solar.

  • Agosti D, Majer J, Alonso L, Schultz T, 2000. Ants: Standard method for measuring and monitoring biodiversity. Smithtonian Institution Press. 

  • Andersen A, Majer J, 2004. Ants show the way Down Under: invertebrates as bioindicators in land. Management. Front Ecol Environ 2(6): 291–298

  • Bolton B., 2005. Ants of the World 1758-2005. CD-ROM.

  • Calcaterra L A, Cuezzo F, Cabrera S M, Briano J, 2010a. Ground Ant Diversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Iberá Nature Reserve, the Largest Wetland of Argentina. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 103(1): 71-83

  • Calcaterra L A, Cabrera S M, Cuezzo F, Jiménez Pérez I, Briano J A, 2010b. Habitat and Grazing influence on terrestrial ant diversity in subtropical grassland and savanna of Argentina. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103: 635-646.

  • Calcaterra L A, Livore J P, Delgado A, Briano J A, 2008. Ecological dominance  of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, in its native range. Oecologia 156:  411-421.

  • Caldera E, Poulsen M, Garret S, Currie C, 2009. Insect Symbioses: A Case Study of Past, Present, and Future Fungus-growing Ant Research. Environ. Entomol. 38(1): 78-92

  • Cammeraat E, Risch A, 2008. The impact of ants on mineral soil properties and processes at different spatial scales. J. Appl. Entomol. 132: 285–294

  • Cerdá X, 1999. Aprovicionamiento óptimo (¿o no tan óptimo?) en las sociedades de hormigas. Boletin SEA 26: 679-692.

  • Davidson D, Cook S, Snelling R, 2004. Liquid-feeding performances of ants (Formicidae): ecological and evolutionary implications. Oecologia  139: 255–266

  • Davidson D, 1998. Resource discovery versus resource domination in ants: a functional mechanism for breaking the trade-off. Ecological Entomology 23: 484–490

  • Fernández F, 2003. Introducción a la hormigas de la Región Neotropical. Disponible en

  • Frouz J, Jilková V, 2008. The effects of ants on soil properties and processes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Mirmecological News 11: 191-199

  • Hölldobler B, Wilson EO, 1990. The ants. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.

  • Hölldobler B, Wilson EO, 2005. The superorganism: the beauty, elegance and strangeness of insect societies. W W Norton & Company Inc.

  • Khila A, Abouheif E, 2010. Evaluating the role of reproductive constraints in ant social evolution. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 365: 617–630

  • Lach L, Parr C L, Abbott K L, 2010. Ant Ecology. Oxford University Press.

  • Mailleux A C, Deneubourg J L, Detrain C, 2003. Regulation of ants’ foraging to resource productivity. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270, 1609–1616

  • Moreau C S, Bell Ch, Vila R, Archibald B, Pierce N, 2006 Phylogeny of the Ants: Diversification in the Age of Angiosperms. Science 312: 101-103.

  • Paris C, 2001. La hormiga argentina (Linepithema humile) en viñedos cafayateños: las dos caras de una invasión biológica. Boletin SEA 22 (1), 1-3.

  • Pirk GI, Lopez de Casenave J, 2011. Seed preferences of three harvester ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Monte Desert: are they reflected in the diet? Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104: 212-220

  • Pirk GI, Lopez de Casenave J, 2010. Influence of seed size on feeding preferences and diet composition of three sympatric harvester ants in the central Monte desert. Ecological Research 25: 439-445

  • Pirk GI, Lopez de Casenave J, Pol R, Marone L and Milesi F (2009) Influence of temporal fluctuations in seed abundance on the diet of harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex spp.) in the central Monte desert, Argentina. Austral Ecology 34: 908-919

  • Rabeling C, Brown J, Verhaagh M, 2008. Newly discovered sister lineage sheds light on early ant evolution. PNAS 105 (39): 14913-14917

  • Rico Gray V, Oliveir P, 2007. The ecology and evolution of ant-plant interactions.  University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

  • Thibaut D, Arias-Penna T, 2012. Influence of leaf litter moisture on the efficiency of the Winkler method for extracting ants. J. of Insect Science 12:1-13.

  • Schilman P E, 2011Trail-Laying Behaviour as a Function of Resource Quality in the Ant Camponotus rufipes. Pysche Article ID 139385, doi:10.1155/2011/139385 

  • Snelling R R, Fisher B L, Ward P S, 2007. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): homage to E. O. Wilson – 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80: 1-670.

  • Underwood E, Fisher B, 2006. The role of ants in conservation monitoring: If, when, and how. Biological Conservation 132: 166-182.  

  • Wiernasz D C, Cole B J, 2009. Dioecy and the evolution of sex ratios in ants. Proc. R. Soc. B 276: 2125-2132

  • Wilson E O, Hölldobler B, 2005. The rise of the ants: A phylogenetic and ecological explanation. PNAS 102 (21): 7411–7414

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